Mom Brain: It's Real and You Can Fix It With Acupuncture

Do you have a hard time remembering whether you went to the store yesterday or the day before? Perhaps you climb the stairs numerous times a day to try to find the eyeglasses you laid down somewhere. It may be difficult to concentrate on a work task.
You’ve heard the term “brain fog,” and now it seems to apply to you. Is there an answer? What kind of treatment can work for memory, attention, and concentration problems?
Recent studies indicate that acupuncture can help alleviate several physical complaints for many people, from musculoskeletal pain in the back and other joints to insomnia to “brain fog.”
Dr. Dongwhan Lee, board-certified and licensed acupuncturist with DH Acupuncture treats many patients who are seeking solutions for conditions for which Western medicine sometimes doesn’t have totally satisfactory answers.
Western medicine is increasingly embracing certain Eastern medicine traditions. Acupuncture has been a staple of Chinese medicine for about 2500 years. Quite a few US medical schools now feature acupuncture programs.
How does acupuncture help relieve brain fog?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses acupuncture to restore the balance of energy, or Qi, in your body. TCM claims that energy flows through passageways on energy meridians, which connect to specific points on your body. If you’re unwell, the Qi is unbalanced.
Western researchers have found that acupuncture triggers a response from your central nervous system, releasing biochemical reactions into your soft tissue, spinal cord, and brain. These reactions may trigger healing responses in your body.
A study of stroke victims found patients had increased blood flow to the brain after acupuncture treatment. Your brain is a tiny part of your body’s weight — around 2% — but it consumes 20% of the oxygen and blood circulation in your body. When your blood circulation is functioning at a high level, removing toxins like carbon dioxide, your memory, concentration, and focus can function at a high level.
Recent studies have found a possible link between neuroinflammation and brain fog. Some long covid patients experience brain fog; scientists believe that inflammation could potentially be the reason for it. A 2021 Harvard study found that targeted acupuncture and electrical stimulation lead to a decrease in inflammatory signals in animals.
Preliminary evidence and anecdotal evidence show that in patients who have brain fog, concentration, memory, and focus improves after acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture turns on the parasympathetic nerves, which produce a feeling of calm. That’s why it helps relieve stress and anxiety. Free of stress, your brain is able to pay attention to a task, so you can concentrate better.
What happens at an acupuncture appointment for brain fog?
During your acupuncture treatment, you lie or sit on a table. Sometimes the points where Dr. Lee inserts the needles are far removed from the area of your pain. Your acupuncture practitioner tells you the general site of the planned treatment and whether you need to remove any clothing.
Dr. Lee gently places one use, small, thin, sterile needles at certain points and at different depths into your skin. The treatment doesn’t really hurt. You may not feel anything at all.
Dr. Lee may manipulate the needles after insertion. He may add electrical stimulation to the needles. He may place needles at sites that aren’t near your brain, but they’re at key anatomical points that aid memory and concentration.
You rest and relax while the needles remain. The treatment may take 10, 20, or 30 minutes.
Call DH Acupuncture or request an appointment through our online portal today for help and relief from your problems with brain fog.
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